Saturday, October 6, 2012

Day 5

October 5th
Check out of hotel in Kamloops BC and went Walmart. Yes I forgot to active the GPS system in our truck before we left Indiana. We only have texting on our cphones. We have an Atlas and The Milepost that we are using but the GPS is good for calculating distance in kilometers. Plus it helps with advising what speed we are doing. Do not want any speeding tickets.
We went to lunch at the White Spot. Food and service was great
Stopped for diesel and bought at double cd of Bob Marley Mellow Moods. Good tunes = relaxed travels. We have been listening to Josh Turner and Rush also on our travels. Not much good radio signals out here.
So back to the GPS, we were destined for Prince George BC for the evening. When Saun set up the GPS address destination he just grabbed the first address. We arrived to a town called Quinsel. The town is divided by a river. Due to operator error, we made a wrong turn at Albuquerque. It took us west of the river instead of east. So we just motored along west on Blackwater Road because the two roads were running north and parallel. No big deal right? Wrong. We ended up traveling for 45 minutes on a soft top road before turning around. Mind you this was at 9:30 at night and we still had 2 more hours of travel to Prince George. So we are passing signs " Watch for lifestock" Oh yeah! Going around a curve hello herd of cows along the side of the road.
On the plus side we were so deep into the unknown. At times we peaked on mountain tops and you thought you were at the top of the world. The stars were so close.
Back down to the town of Quinsel we went to get on the other side of the river and head north to PG.
I NEVER sleep in a vehicle. Well this mama was so tired after the wrong way tour, that I passed out for a bit once we got back on track
We arrived in PG. Plugged in laptop and google earthed were we had made a wrong turn. You guessed it. Had we stayed on the wrong road for 15 more minutes instead of going 45 min back to town,  we would have gotten back on path. Geez!

October 6th
We departed from PG and headed east towards the Alaskan Highway.
Along the way we stopped at a town called Chetwynd. They have some amazing word carving statues. Guess what we found? A wood carved mermaid.
East bound we go to the town of Dawson Creek. This is the home of mile marker "0" for the Alaskan Highway :) We are getting closer folks!
North bound we go towards the town of Fort Nelson to stay overnight.
On this leg we see deer, moose, and a gray fox. We were driving in the dark when we saw these animals. Pretty scary. Must stay alert and keep you eyes peeled.
All we day we passed many trucks with quads and moose rack propt in the bed of the trucks. Hunting season is in.

Hannah is doing well. She has watched Cinderella at least 8 times now. She had a blue slushy and popcorn for breakfast this morning. Whatever goes on this trip :) Speaking of slushy, this is the only liquid in a fountain at rest stops. All sodas are in bottles only. Must be easier for shipping. I am craving a vanilla coke from Frozen Custard in Lafayette.

I told Saun today that I think I may need to go through debrieving as the miltary serviceman do. We are so far from civilization at times, that we come to city lights and I get excited.

From the sounds of Tom Petty....
Into the great wide open
Under them skies of blue
Out in the great wide open
A rebel without a clue

Gotta jet, this swanky hotel has washer and dryers. Yeah! Need to get our 3 loads of laundry out of the dyer.


  1. This sounds like the fourth movie to Lord of the Rings. Our hero's set of through the unknown land of Canada.Fighting off vicious beasts like foxes, bison, and the ever popular moose. Fearing peril at every unexpected turn possibly loosing their way and minds. Will they complete their journey and deliver the precious known as Hanna Banana? Time will only tell! Until next time, good night and big balls!

  2. Now you have that song stuck in my head! :) Continual safe travels!! and I'm with Brandon....write a story! Maybe it'll be the next big hit turned movie!
